Think You Know World War Two?

Last updated · 6 min play time

World War Two is remembered today by the generation that lived it but has been immortalized in television, movies, and popular memory. One of the deadliest conflicts in history, it displayed the destructiveness of global war, introduced catastrophically deadly weapons, and propelled the United States to international preeminence. Show us how much you know about World War Two history!

This quiz was expert written by Regina Munch. Regina has a master's degree in European history and the history of American foreign policy from Boston College. She loves learning and writing about history because it's never dead – things from the past always have relevance to today, and we're discovering things about the past all the time.

Regina has a master's degree in European history and the history of American foreign policy from Boston College. She loves learning and writing about history because it's never dead – things from the past always have relevance to today, and we're discovering things about the past all the time.

WWII Quiz Questions

20 Questions · 19.7K Plays · 3 Comments

Comments (3)

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Obscure tidbits in that quiz. Still got 16/20. I refuse to take them over. What would be the use honestly?

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Some good question in regards to a terrible war, that took so many lives.

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The quiz had good question in regards to a terrible time in history.

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