How Much Do You Know About the Mexican-American War?

Last updated · 7 min play time

The Mexican-American War was part of the western expansion of the United States and created some of the war heroes we would come to remember in the Civil War. In the Mexican-American War, new American land acquisitions stirred controversy about the legality of slavery and fanned the flames of a national crisis. What do you remember about the Mexican-American War?

This quiz was expert written by Regina Munch. Regina has a master's degree in European history and the history of American foreign policy from Boston College. She loves learning and writing about history because it's never dead – things from the past always have relevance to today, and we're discovering things about the past all the time.

Regina has a master's degree in European history and the history of American foreign policy from Boston College. She loves learning and writing about history because it's never dead – things from the past always have relevance to today, and we're discovering things about the past all the time.

Mexican-American War Quiz Questions

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