How Much Do You Know about the Russian Revolution?

Last updated · 6 min play time

The Russian Revolution occurred in the middle of a major world war. A sumptuously wealthy royal family ruled an empire spanning across the Eurasian continent, and their subjects faced the threat of death in battle or starvation and overwork. The time was ripe for a revolution – and the rise of the Soviet Union's purges, labor camps, and ideological warfare. The Russian Revolution and the civil war that followed changed the course of the twentieth century. How much do you know about this turbulent time?

This quiz was expert written by Regina Munch. Regina has a master's degree in European history and the history of American foreign policy from Boston College. She loves learning and writing about history because it's never dead – things from the past always have relevance to today, and we're discovering things about the past all the time.

Regina has a master's degree in European history and the history of American foreign policy from Boston College. She loves learning and writing about history because it's never dead – things from the past always have relevance to today, and we're discovering things about the past all the time.

Russian Revolution Quiz Questions

20 Questions · 9.9K Plays · 4 Comments

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The Red Army was led by Trotsky, not Lenin.

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Visual clues kept me above average. Challenging! Well crafted quiz. Thanks Regina.

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B I p***ed. Good quiz.

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Hard as a rock and then some

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